Cops and Kids The Oro Valley Police Department and the Fraternal Order of Police (FOP), Lodge #53 host "Cops and Kids" in December to provide Christmas gifts to underprivileged and temporarily displaced children. Each year the officers look forward to the joy of helping a child select toys and gifts, and the opportunity to restore a child's trust in law enforcement.
Special Olympics The Oro Valley Police Department (OVPD) has sponsored Special Olympics as a fundraiser for over twenty years. Throughout the year, our agency participates in several fundraising events to raise money to assist these athletes.
Police agencies around the country and the world sponsor Special Olympics by participating in a yearly run called the Law Enforcement Torch Run. The Torch for this event is passed from police agencies throughout the states. Our agency receives it from the Pima County Sheriff’s Department and we pass it on to the United States Marshals Office. The Torch Run is one of the largest fundraising ventures for Special Olympics.
These events allow awareness to be brought to the needs of special athletes. The money raised benefits over 9,000 athletes throughout Arizona.
If you would like to make a donation, or would like more information about our events, please contact at (520) 229-5080.