Oro Valley does not regulate which kinds of businesses locate within the Town.
The Town tries to recruit a wide array of businesses that provide products and services reflective of Oro Valley residents’ needs and desires. However, it is ultimately the decision of each business on whether they would like to locate to Oro Valley. As long as the business falls within the designated zoning of that particular parcel, the Town cannot dictate which individual business can or cannot locate in Oro Valley.
Oro Valley does not choose nor regulate which cable/internet providers can operate within Town boundaries.
The Town allows and welcomes all cable/internet providers to conduct business within Oro Valley. In order for a provider to do so, they must pay a Franchise Fee which recovers the cost of the provider utilizing the Town’s right-of-way. Additionally, federal law prohibits municipalities from regulating a provider’s prices and/or services.
The Town of Oro Valley became “hands-free” on January 6, 2017, meaning drivers are not allowed to hold a cellular phone or other electronic mobile device while operating a motor vehicle. This ordinance also applies to drivers stopped at a red light. Exceptions to this ordinance include 911 emergency calls and calls to a hospital or physician’s office.
To view more information, including commonly asked questions regarding the ordinance, visit: https://www.orovalleyaz.gov/Government/Departments/Police/Distracted-Driving-Ordinance
Oro Valley operates under the council-manager form of government.
This form of government is the most prevalent form of local government in the State of Arizona, as well as the United States. It combines the political leadership of elected officials with the managerial experience of an appointed, professional local government manager. The Town Manager is appointed to serve the Town Council and the community, and provides the benefits of training and experience in administering local government projects and programs, while also managing day-to-day operations.
Since the Town does not assess a property tax, the generation of sales tax revenue from businesses and tourism become essential to providing services such as roads and public safety. In fact, sales tax represents approximately 50% of the Town’s General Fund. In addition, non-residents contribute to nearly 100% of bed tax revenues and about 1/3 of sales tax revenues.
Please report any graffiti to the Oro Valley Police Department at their non-emergency phone number 520-229-4900. If it is after normal business hours, please listen to the automated prompts in order to speak to a dispatcher.
The Pima County Catalina Transfer Station, 14425 N. Oracle Road (3 miles north of Tangerine Road) accepts some household hazardous waste, antifreeze, batteries, oil and paint for free.
For other household hazardous waste disposal, please visit the City of Tucson’s Household Hazardous Waste webpage (click here) for accepted items, locations and hours.
Oracle Road is a state-designated highway. As such, it falls under the control of the Arizona Department of Transportation (ADOT), so most of the Oracle Road traffic signals are operated by ADOT, not by the Town.
The Town of Oro Valley does not assess a property tax. Oro Valley residents do pay property taxes to Pima County and special districts. The Town does not receive any portion of the property taxes paid by residents.
Are you or your community having a short term event, such as a yard sale, that you need to advertise to the public with signs in the right-of-way? Visit the Sign Permit Information page.
3-day sign permit fee is $12.00
The Town of Oro Valley does not provide nor contract for trash pick-up service.
There are several trash service providers that operate within the Town and are options for residents; however, some homeowner associations (HOAs) enter into a contractual agreement with a specific company for servicing their entire subdivision, which may result in a reduction of that HOA’s overall cost for service.
Companies serving Oro Valley:
Republic Services Waste Management Right Away Disposal