Comment now on draft concept design for Vistoso Trails Nature Preserve
Published on February 03, 2023
ORO VALLEY, Ariz. (Feb. 3, 2023) – As part of the community engagement process for the Vistoso Trails Nature Preserve Master Plan, the Town of Oro Valley is accepting comments on the draft concept design for the preserve. The proposed concepts encompass feedback and suggestions the Vistoso Trails Nature Preserve Master Plan consultant team, Sites Southwest, received during various community outreach meetings from Oct. 4, 2022, to Jan. 20.
The draft concept design includes existing amenities as well as proposed new features including a demonstration garden, dark sky viewing area and constructed wetlands. The draft concept design can be found by clicking here. Feedback can be sent to Liz Cole at by February 10.
Once feedback is received, the first Master Plan Draft will be presented to the Parks and Recreation Advisory Board (PRAB) on Feb. 21, and then to Town Council on March 15. The final draft of the Master Plan will be presented to PRAB on April 18, and then to Town Council on May 3. At these meetings, there will be additional opportunities for the public to share feedback. To follow along with the Master Planning process and view schedules, timelines and completed documents, visit and search VISTOSO TRAILS NATURE PRESERVE or click here.
The Vistoso Trails Nature Preserve is an open space that will provide Oro Valley residents and visitors an opportunity for passive recreation such as walking, biking and bird watching. Formerly known as the Vistoso Golf Course, the Town of Oro Valley acquired the property in summer 2022. An existing 6.2 mile path winds through the property providing visitors with views of the Catalina and Tortolita mountains, examples of varied desert vegetation, and the opportunity to view an abundance of wildlife. The Preserve is open from dawn to dusk, and temporary parking is at 945 W. Vistoso Highlands Drive.